About us
Ohr Chodosh provides a post-kollel, five-year immersion in Shas and Poskim. Avreichim are tested repeatedly on over 900 daf gemara, receive shimush and guidance in darchei psak, pass written and oral semicha examinations in Issur V’Heter, Hilchos Shabbos, Hilchos Taharas HaMishpacha, and other areas required for full Rabbanut Smicha, and they take private smicha examinations from prestigious poskim and batei din in Eretz Yisroel.. The curriculum also includes limud b’iyun in the classic sifrei mussar, with an emphasis on Kelm and Slobodka. Throughout their five years at Ohr Chodosh, avreichim participate in a classical mussar vaad, and deliver shiurim. All avreichim participate in extensive training in Chinuch, Sholom Bayis, and empirically based counseling protocols.